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Cookie Policy

Our website uses Cookies.  Cookies are small pieces of data, typically used to keep track of the settings users have selected and actions they have taken on a site.  Cookies will be stored on your computer meaning you have full control over their use. 

BugBag Ltd uses cookies for important reasons, such as:

  • To provide a great experience for our visitors and customers.

  • To identify registered members.

  • To monitor and analyse the performance, operation and effectiveness of our site.

  • To ensure our platform is secure and safe to use. 


In general the cookies placed on our website are categorised as essential cookies required for the operation of our website.  Take a look at the table below to see which cookies we place on our site and why


XSRF-TOKEN - Used for security reasons

hs - Used for security reasons

svSession - Used in connection with user login

SSR-caching - Used to indicate the system from which the site was rendered

_wixCIDX - Used for system monitoring/debugging

_wix_browser_sess - Used for system monitoring/debugging

consent-policy - Used for cookie banner parameters

smSession - Used to identify logged in site members

TS* - Used for security and anti-fraud reasons

bSession - Used for system effectiveness measurement

fedops.logger.sessionId - Used for stability/effectiveness measurement

 With your consent, we will also use the following cookies:

  • Analytical/performance cookies.  Allowing us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance and overall experience of our website.

  • Functional cookies. These cookies are used to improve and make your shopping experience easier. 

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